I took screen grabs instead, because I really want to post these. Again, they will be in no specific order, because I don't number things. I just name them all willy nilly. I mean, I don't name them willy nilly. Fucking syntax.
Me and my daddy. My mommy is in the background, and so is my little sister. But this picture is all about that grin on my daddy's face. I have the handsomest, best daddy in the whole of the world.
Fuckin' action bride, mother fuckers. Climbing up in to that semi was the best experience ever. It shocked my photographers. Ryan was like, "wouldn't it be cool if we could get some shots of you in there?" and I was like, "FUCK YEAH, help me up!"I had to climb up onto barrels and do a great deal of leaping, but I made it, and it was well worth it.
Me and the bestie. Amber and I have been friends for eighteen fucking years. That's an amazing amount of time to not get sick of someone. How gorgeous is she?
I posted this photo because I look hilariously cross eyed. I showed it to Amber, and she was like, YOU LOOK FUCKING GORGEOUS. Gorgeously cross eyed, she means. What the fuck, eyeballs. Keep your shit together. I mean, well...no. They DID keep their shit together. That's why I look cross eyed.
Once I had gotten thoroughly tanked, and I really did, I took my hair down and danced for hours. This was the last picture taken for the night, of Derek and I dancing by ourselves. Drunk, happy, and awesome.
My son gets all his moves from his equally silly mommy. I love this picture.
Me and my daddy again. I love nobody in the world as much as I love him.
Except maybe my little guy. Who isn't so much little as he is almost as tall as me. And he's only eight. I'm five fucking nine. How the hell is my son almost as tall as I am?
As silly a face as she's making, I think this is the most gorgeous picture of Stevie I've ever seen. Look how god damn stunning she is.
This picture was Kati's idea!!! She yelled out, HEY, Drea and I both have physics equations tattooed on us, can we photograph those together? And Ryan was like, SURE! So we did. I fucking love it.
My photography company has this HUGE, movie sized poster of an engagement photo all lit up next to the wedding entrance. This was my reaction to ours.
Who's fabulous, mother fuckers? This girl. THIS GIRL IS FABULOUS.
This was Derek's reaction to seeing me before the wedding. I love it. Look at that jawline on that handsome face. I married that shit.
Our venue made us personalized drinks for after the wedding. Signature shots! They were purple and really, really gross, but we all drank them and they were fun as hell.
Really, I'm ambivalent about this picture as a picture. But I fucking love my dress and my veil, and this picture almost shows them off. Weeeee!!
The grin that wins. I had just spent three pictures giving serious face, which I'm horrendous at, and then I got to let go and smile. Which I'm ALSO horrendous at, but I'm far better at smiling than looking serious and beautiful.
I love this man. So much. And he loves me back. And I think...I THINK....people can tell.
Me and my bro bro. You can also FINALLY see how this dress literally added at least and inch and a half to my frame. I am not even close to as big as that dress makes me look. It's thick as fuck.
Me and my mommy. She's in my phone as Smooth Mommerator. When I was younger, she was a switchboard operator at a car dealership (she's now the fleet finance manager for Chevrolet. She worked her way up so hard, and I'm so proud of her). I heard the Sade song "Smooth Operator" and I thought it was about my mom. I thought she was saying Smooth Mommerator. So I've called her that ever since.
If you think there's a better daddy out there, I have to ask you what it feels like to be wrong.
My handsome guy. I love my buster.
Me, mommy, and daddy. I really can't figure out who I look the most like. Or if I look like either of them at all.
That look of adoration? It's not forced. That's the best part.
Two of my best ladies. How fucking amazing and gorgeous are they?
This picture was taken at the EXACT moment I finished reading my vows. I know, because I said SHIT, and this was everybody's reaction. Uncomfortable laughter. I tried so hard to behave my mouth, but it's REALLY hard up there, ok?
The deal was, we each took one nice photo together, and one silly photo. I couldn't think of what to do with Syb, except to just push her face away. Being her older sister, I thought it made so much sense. It's easily one of my favorite pictures of the day.
But she looks so grown up! This is the best picture I've ever seen of her.
I was shielding his eyes from something. I have no idea what, but it was clearly hilarious. Can't have my husband seeing anything funny. I have to make him miserable.
I love the lighting here. Even though the effect is a bit muted for my general tastes, I'm still wild about this photo.
Ryan told us to be tender with each other. That involves facial licking, I guess.
See??? I'm god damn awful at serious, beautiful face. I look vacuous and silly.
What a god damn great day my wedding was. Seriously. I barely remember any of it, but I remember it being amazing.
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